Reading List: Supporting friends and family around a medically-assisted death

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Buchbinder, M., Ojo, E., Knio, L., & Brassfield, E. R. (2018). Caregivers' Experiences With Medical Aid-In-Dying in Vermont: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 56(6), 936-943.

Cullen, C. (2016). Assisted death the 'right thing to do,' but takes emotional toll on sister left behind. CBC News. Retrieved from:

Dees, M. K., Vernooij-Dassen, M. J., Dekkers, W. J., Elwyn, G., Vissers, K. C., & Van Weel, C. (2013). Perspectives of decision-making in requests for euthanasia: a qualitative research among patients, relatives and treating physicians in the Netherlands. Palliative medicine, 27(1), 27-37.

Fish, J. (2017). The experience of bereavement following a physician assisted suicide (PAS): what do we know about the needs of these bereaved? Bereavement Care, 36(1), pp. 8-10.

Gamondi, C., Pott, M., Forbes, K., & Payne, S. (2015). Exploring the experiences of bereaved families involved in assisted suicide in Southern Switzerland: a qualitative study. BMJ Supportive & Palliative care, 5(2), 146-152.

Gamondi, C., Pott, M., Preston, N., & Payne, S. (2018). Family caregivers' reflections on experiences of assisted suicide in Switzerland: a qualitative interview study. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 55(4), 1085-1094.

Ganzini, L., Goy, E. R., Dobscha, S. K., & Prigerson, H. (2009). Mental health outcomes of family members of Oregonians who request physician aid in dying. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 38(6), 807-815.

Goldberg, R., Nissim, R., An, E., & Hales, S. (2019). Impact of medical assistance in dying (MAiD) on family caregivers. BMJ supportive & palliative care, bmjspcare-2018.

Hagens, M., Pasman, H. R. W., & Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B. D. (2014). Cross-sectional research into counselling for non-physician assisted suicide: who asks for it and what happens?. BMC Health Services Research, 14(1), 455.

Holmes, S., Wiebe, E., Shaw, J., Nuhn, A., Just, A., & Kelly, M. (2018). Exploring the experience of supporting a loved one through a medically assisted death in Canada. Canadian Family Physician, 64(9), e387-e393.

Norwood, F. (2007). Nothing more to do: euthanasia, general practice, and end-of-life discourse in the Netherlands. Medical anthropology, 26(2), 139-174.

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Ontario HIV Treatment Network (2017). Impact of medical assistance in dying on family and friends. Rapid Response Service #118. Retrieved from

Snijdewind, M. C., van Tol, D. G., Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B. D., & Willems, D. L. (2014). Complexities in euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide as perceived by Dutch physicians and patients' relatives. Journal of pain and symptom management, 48(6), 1125-1134.

Srinivasan, E. G. (2018). Bereavement experiences following a death under Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act. Death Studies, 1-9.

Srinivasan, E.G. (2009). Bereavement experiences following a death under Oregon’s Death With Dignity Act (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. )

Swarte, N. B., Van Der Lee, M. L., van der Bom, J. G., Van Den Bout, J., & Heintz, A. P. M. (2003). Effects of euthanasia on the bereaved family and friends: a cross sectional study. Bmj, 327(7408), 189.

Wagner, B., Keller, V., Knaevelsrud, C., & Maercker, A. (2012). Social acknowledgement as a predictor of post-traumatic stress and complicated grief after witnessing assisted suicide. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 58(4), 381-385.

Wagner, B., Müller, J., & Maercker, A. (2012). Death by request in Switzerland: Posttraumatic stress disorder and complicated grief after witnessing assisted suicide. European Psychiatry, 27(7), 542-546.

Walker, A., & Wong, G. (2018). Working with clients who choose medical assistance in dying (MAID): A new landscape for counsellors. Canadian Journal of Counselling & Psychotherapy/Revue Canadienne de Counseling et de Psychothérapie, 52(4).